He thinks, and decides not to tell them, probably because of it being classified that he's a temporal agent with knowledge of other timelines.
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Yea... been reading Gate," Krystal replied. "This portal opens in Tokyo, and a who's who of Fantasy forces comes through. The JSDF pushes them back, then goes through to the other side to secure the gate over there and explore this new world. If you ever wanted to see 21st Century military take on magic and dragons..."
"Sounds like anything can happen in manga; even the impossible. I once read something called FLCL, where a kid with a guitar deflected a falling satellite." Terry shook his head. "Heh, the things they came up with in 21st century."
Admiral Nat turns to Rattler, and looks over at Terry.
"As for the ideas of the 21st century, you should have seen Sonic the Hedgehog. Makes no sense, but they're good video games. Thank goodness for the emulators we have nowadays."
Post edited by admiralnat on
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Of course you haven't. That's part of the reason I'm here."
The admiral passes Krystal a PADD, with details regarding a task-force strike against T'Ket's Herald Sphere.
"You've been assigned to join the Firestorm and 3 other ships in a special mission to an Iconian Herald Sphere operated by T'Ket's Heralds. Command thinks they're preparing something, so we're being sent to find out what they're up to."
He takes a sip of his coffee.
"Whenever our ship's repairs are done, of course. Until then, do whatever."
Post edited by admiralnat on
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"I'm pretty sure you've never seen T'Ket personally, unlike myself, but the reports are out there. How much do you know about the Iconians already?"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The admiral has a much more serious expression on his face.
"What experience do you have with the Iconians personally?"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Ah, so that was you? Of course. I knew somebody had to get out there after I uncovered the Iconian's Andromeda Dyson Sphere."
The admiral looks a little concerned.
"But that's all? What about the battle of the Andromeda Dyson Sphere, or the defense we mounted at the Sol System? I'm sure theLexington must have been in the fleet somewhere while I was out taking down M'Tara and, you know, time travel stuff."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Ah. Of course. Know anything about Iconian Herald Spheres?"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"I'm not talking about the Andromeda Sphere in the Iconia system. I'm talking about the dozens of smaller Spheres scattered about who-knows-where."
The admiral takes a sip of coffee.
"Like the one the Firestorm lead a strike against in Operation: The Herald Sphere."
He pauses for a moment.
"Although whoever named that operation clearly isn't good with clever names that disguise the operation's objective..."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Oh boy, you really don't know what I'm talking about, do you?"
The admiral hands over a PADD with detailed reports regarding the Iconian Herald's much smaller Herald Spheres.
"Read that over."
Post edited by admiralnat on
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"We don't know" the admiral replies. "Probably dozens. Of course, most of them have been fairly inactivate since we 'made peace' with the Iconians, but this one in particular has been unusually active."
He looks at the report of the so-called "T'Ket Herald Sphere", and seems concerned.
"T'Ket must be there. She must be up to something. Something... that probably won't end well for us."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Well... T'Ket's lost herself to her need for vengence," Krystal replied. "She'll never be satisfied until there is nothing left. ANd even then... she won't be satisfied. It would be hollow."
Meanwhile, Daya and Ryan are talking over on a neighbouring table, Ryan with a plate of Traditional English Sausage and Chips, seasoned with salt and Daya with Plomeek Soup. Ryan swallows down on of his chips. "You remember Jarvis Cromwell?"
"From the Academy?" Daya gives an uncertain nod. "He was in Operations, right?"
"Warp mechanics. I did my Warp Theory exam with him."
"What happened to him?"
"Last I heard, he'd been promoted to Lieutenant and was posted to the Yorktown as Assistant Chief Engineer."
"The Yorktown...?"
"She went missing last week. Near the Betreka Nebula." Ryan eats another chip, grimly-faced.
Daya also looks grim, before sighing as she drops he spoon. "Maybe we shouldn't be talking about work."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know! Anything other than Starfleet."
"Alright... What did you think of the Kolkata Lions last week?"
Daya gives him a look under a raised eyebrow.
Daya keeps him under the look.
"Okay, okay. How are things at home?"
"All right. Darania hasn't had a raid in 6 months - that's a record."
"I take it...?"
"No sign of my parents." She sighs. "You know, Ryan, sometimes I envy you. At least you know your parents are gone..."
"I know. I've seen her vengeance in person. In a way, I'm almost responsible for it."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Yeah, sorta. Back when I was in the past, on Iconia during it's destruction. Shortly before the attack, we had been learning about the Iconians. Turns out they had done nothing "wrong", per say. Sure, they may have thought of themselves as being somewhat superior to the other races, but they were peaceful. Helped their neighbors one way or another. What they wouldn't do, was give them their technology, not unlike our own prime directive. The other factions evidently didn't take well to that, and attacked."
The admiral takes another drink of his coffee.
"Sela may have been determined to kill off the Iconians we'd have to deal with now, back then, but I decided that we couldn't kill them for crimes they hadn't even committed yet, so we worked with them to help them escape. Eventually, we encountered T'Ket, who intended to stay behind to keep fighting the attackers, but in order to convince her to come with us..."
He looks down at his PADD, then looks back up.
"I told her that somebody had to survive to claim vengeance for the fallen. She went along with it, and evidently took it a lot further than expected, especially when she saw Sela open fire on the surviving Iconians as they escaped through their gateway."
Nat pauses for a moment.
"So that's why I'm more or less responsible for it. It's also why the Iconians took such special interest in the Romulans. Needless to say, T'Ket isn't the only one that wants vengeance for those that have died, but unlike her, I still have morals, even after witnessing some Epohh get shot by some Herald Construct."
He chuckles to himself.
"After constantly listening to that Epohh lady in Q's madness that he calls the "Winter Wonderland", I can understand why the Construct was so eager to see every Epohh annihilated."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"...you two do look familiar... perhaps..."
He thinks, and decides not to tell them, probably because of it being classified that he's a temporal agent with knowledge of other timelines.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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He nods to Admiral Nat as well.
"Mind if I join?"
Admiral Nat turns to Rattler, and looks over at Terry.
"As for the ideas of the 21st century, you should have seen Sonic the Hedgehog. Makes no sense, but they're good video games. Thank goodness for the emulators we have nowadays."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"So, tell me about your next assignment."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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The admiral passes Krystal a PADD, with details regarding a task-force strike against T'Ket's Herald Sphere.
"You've been assigned to join the Firestorm and 3 other ships in a special mission to an Iconian Herald Sphere operated by T'Ket's Heralds. Command thinks they're preparing something, so we're being sent to find out what they're up to."
He takes a sip of his coffee.
"Whenever our ship's repairs are done, of course. Until then, do whatever."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"Well... I guess we'll see," she said. "In the meantime... feel free to pull up a chair."
"I'm pretty sure you've never seen T'Ket personally, unlike myself, but the reports are out there. How much do you know about the Iconians already?"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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The admiral has a much more serious expression on his face.
"What experience do you have with the Iconians personally?"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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The admiral looks a little concerned.
"But that's all? What about the battle of the Andromeda Dyson Sphere, or the defense we mounted at the Sol System? I'm sure theLexington must have been in the fleet somewhere while I was out taking down M'Tara and, you know, time travel stuff."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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The admiral takes a sip of coffee.
"Like the one the Firestorm lead a strike against in Operation: The Herald Sphere."
He pauses for a moment.
"Although whoever named that operation clearly isn't good with clever names that disguise the operation's objective..."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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The admiral hands over a PADD with detailed reports regarding the Iconian Herald's much smaller Herald Spheres.
"Read that over."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"How many of these things are there?" she asked.
He looks at the report of the so-called "T'Ket Herald Sphere", and seems concerned.
"T'Ket must be there. She must be up to something. Something... that probably won't end well for us."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"From the Academy?" Daya gives an uncertain nod. "He was in Operations, right?"
"Warp mechanics. I did my Warp Theory exam with him."
"What happened to him?"
"Last I heard, he'd been promoted to Lieutenant and was posted to the Yorktown as Assistant Chief Engineer."
"The Yorktown...?"
"She went missing last week. Near the Betreka Nebula." Ryan eats another chip, grimly-faced.
Daya also looks grim, before sighing as she drops he spoon. "Maybe we shouldn't be talking about work."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know! Anything other than Starfleet."
"Alright... What did you think of the Kolkata Lions last week?"
Daya gives him a look under a raised eyebrow.
Daya keeps him under the look.
"Okay, okay. How are things at home?"
"All right. Darania hasn't had a raid in 6 months - that's a record."
"I take it...?"
"No sign of my parents." She sighs. "You know, Ryan, sometimes I envy you. At least you know your parents are gone..."
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"You?" she asked.
The admiral takes another drink of his coffee.
"Sela may have been determined to kill off the Iconians we'd have to deal with now, back then, but I decided that we couldn't kill them for crimes they hadn't even committed yet, so we worked with them to help them escape. Eventually, we encountered T'Ket, who intended to stay behind to keep fighting the attackers, but in order to convince her to come with us..."
He looks down at his PADD, then looks back up.
"I told her that somebody had to survive to claim vengeance for the fallen. She went along with it, and evidently took it a lot further than expected, especially when she saw Sela open fire on the surviving Iconians as they escaped through their gateway."
Nat pauses for a moment.
"So that's why I'm more or less responsible for it. It's also why the Iconians took such special interest in the Romulans. Needless to say, T'Ket isn't the only one that wants vengeance for those that have died, but unlike her, I still have morals, even after witnessing some Epohh get shot by some Herald Construct."
He chuckles to himself.
"After constantly listening to that Epohh lady in Q's madness that he calls the "Winter Wonderland", I can understand why the Construct was so eager to see every Epohh annihilated."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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