K'mec sighs, "Supplies are going to someone else now, and im sending your ship a databurst since you have clearly fallen short of Starfleet Regulations, view it when ever you like as it's about T'Ket. K'mec out." K'mec orders Nirnas to open a channel to the S.S. Break Even as a Ferengi responds.
"Greetings Daimon, i was to deliver some food supplies to the USS Lexington and USS Firestorm, however they clearly do not want them. I would be willing to send over the surplus to you for 25 bars of gold pressed latinum".
Post edited by mirrorchaos on
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
K'Mec looking on surprised to get a transmisison from Captain Aeris, "30 Bars?! how about 40 bars of Gold pressed latinum? the Ferengi merchant has made a bid for 35 bars by the way".
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"Excuse me, but if you had supplies coming in for the U.S.S. Firestorm, would regulations not require that you contact the U.S.S. Firestorm herself?"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"Those supplies were sent for the U.S.S. Firestorm. Regulation demands that you deliver the supplies in question. Else, I will be forced to have your vessel disabled, and the supplies in question confiscated, lawfully, of course."
*The U.S.S. Sally moves into position to disable the freighter.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"This is Captain Sarah Walker of the U.S.S. Sally. If you do not transport the supplies to their intended vessels as your mission requires, we have orders to disable you with whatever force may be necessary."
*The U.S.S. Sally charges weapons, phaser lance included, and targets the freighter's shield systems*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"Captain I earmarked surplus supplies to the Firestorm. however regulations state that should you fail to be cooperative to a fellow captain, i have the right to reassign the surplus where i like. I do not have time to play games when i have a ship to run and i can not hold on to the supplies forever due to how perishable they are and the goodness they contain." taps her comm badge to end conversation.
K'mec taps her comm badge again "Admiral K'mec to Captain Kenton, i have accepted your offer of 60 bars of gold pressed latinum, please file the correct paperwork with the dockmaster and Earth space dock that you will receive the supplies and i will have the transport load your ship up with bacon, tacos and dip for the next 3 months. enjoy! K'mec out."
*the Fearless undocks from pylon 3 and heads out of space dock to start her next assignment*
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Nat: "I'm so sorry, but I will have those supplies. Don't bother asking why; it's classified."
*Awaits a response from the freighter*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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Admiral Nat: "Captain Terry, there's no point in bidding on the Firestorm's 'supplies', so you might as well stop."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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Ardrian walks in with a small enterouge, his executive Officer Commander Thoreau, and a nameless yeoman. While the nameless yeoman heads over to the replicators, the commander is ranting...
"...And I need to fill out these forms, in triplicate, without the automated copy function, to requisition the hundred or so "decommissioned" mark three torpedo launchers for the starbase. Oh the..."
As the nameless yeoman motions the group over to a table where the plates of food are ready, Ardrian instead motions Thoreau over, "you go ahead eat, and work on them papers. Things are about to get... interesting..."
"Sir," Thoreau recovers, "you need to eat like us"
"I grabbed a snack earlier. I'll be good, tend to eat while reading up on the whine reports from the rest of the fleet. I think it's time to see if the reports are universally true or just an abnormality".
Ardrian heads over to the bar, motions for a coffee, and mutters under his breath "at least you guys haven't invented synthfeen yet, right? I like a little kick to my coffee..." Taking a sip, and recognizing the requisite feedback, he grabs his coffee, motions to the yeoman with a "she's got my card" motion, a quick scan of the room indicates a table with a few other command-grade officers having a bit of a discussion.
He then proceeds to the table with the rest of the commanders. "Ardrian Dareau. I'm hoping this is the 'not bragging' table..."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"This is freighter captain of the USS Erbach, negative, we just received our new orders from K'Mec to deliver these scrummy supplies to Captain Kenton's ship. If you wish to negotiate with him, then by all means, however i have my orders sir.
As for Captain Kenton, i expect to receive 60 bars of latinum in my hold to deliver to the Fearless. any attempt to shoot me down or seize my freighter operating on behalf of the united federation of planets would not be a good idea. Thank you for your time sir. Good day"
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Nat: "Ah, a fleet admiral. Haven't seen another fleet admiral since... my meeting with Admiral Quinn regarding my newest mission. I'll have you know we're in a bit of a dillemma regarding a "supply shipment" for the U.S.S. Firestorm at the moment."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
A Bekk reports to the young attractive Orion female in the captains chair in a poorly lit room with red lights and displays with a viewscreen image of ESD "Sir, we have arrived in the Terran sector"
As the Orion captain acknowledges the bekk with a nod, she points to another Bekk to open a channel to ESD, however she overhears an argument about food supplies and the USS Erbach. "Bekk, please tune us into that transmission", the Bekk responds "Yes sir".
tuning into the conversation mid way through "...to deliver these scrummy supplies to Captain Kenton's ship. If you wish to negotiate with him, then by all means, however i have my orders sir." as the channel closes. Shenna thinks for a moment in a thoughtful pose sat in her hard klingon command chair.
"Bekk, open a channel to Admiral Nat, i hope he is in the mood to deal for his food without the politics." amused by what shes heard and seen so far..
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"Sorry, Admiral Nat. I seem to have gotten carried away, and I think something called a 'ninja' happened to me. Good day, Admiral Dareau. All I ask out of this whole thing is a taste of those nachos and bacon. Oh, the deliciousness I must have."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Admiral, i understand you have an issue with a food shipment?" As Shenna points to one of her officers to beam the food surplus off the transport and transport over 30 bars of latinum, the food arrives in her cargo bay.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Nat: "That so called "food shipment" is no ordinary food shipment, captain. Now tell me, just where did you beam those "supplies"?"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Freighter captain completely unaware all his food was taken off the ship "Yes sir, i am on approach to your ship with the supplies. once i land in your shuttle bay i will report to Commander Zaro. K'Mec will want a status report in the mean time. Erbach out."
Post edited by mirrorchaos on
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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"Greetings Daimon, i was to deliver some food supplies to the USS Lexington and USS Firestorm, however they clearly do not want them. I would be willing to send over the surplus to you for 25 bars of gold pressed latinum".
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"I bid 30 bars of latinum!"
"Indeed it does"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Yes, 40! Sorry, I've been drinking."
Captain Terry - Food Court
"Uh, Aeris? You were listening in this whole time? And, also, I was bidding. I bid 50 bars for the Firestorm's goods!"
*The U.S.S. Sally moves into position to disable the freighter.*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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I make it 60 bars
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"This is Captain Sarah Walker of the U.S.S. Sally. If you do not transport the supplies to their intended vessels as your mission requires, we have orders to disable you with whatever force may be necessary."
*The U.S.S. Sally charges weapons, phaser lance included, and targets the freighter's shield systems*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
K'mec taps her comm badge again "Admiral K'mec to Captain Kenton, i have accepted your offer of 60 bars of gold pressed latinum, please file the correct paperwork with the dockmaster and Earth space dock that you will receive the supplies and i will have the transport load your ship up with bacon, tacos and dip for the next 3 months. enjoy! K'mec out."
*the Fearless undocks from pylon 3 and heads out of space dock to start her next assignment*
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
*Awaits a response from the freighter*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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"80 bars!"
Captain Aeris - Club 47
"Too rich for my blood. I'm out! Waiter, another Romulan Ale?"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Ardrian walks in with a small enterouge, his executive Officer Commander Thoreau, and a nameless yeoman. While the nameless yeoman heads over to the replicators, the commander is ranting...
"...And I need to fill out these forms, in triplicate, without the automated copy function, to requisition the hundred or so "decommissioned" mark three torpedo launchers for the starbase. Oh the..."
As the nameless yeoman motions the group over to a table where the plates of food are ready, Ardrian instead motions Thoreau over, "you go ahead eat, and work on them papers. Things are about to get... interesting..."
"Sir," Thoreau recovers, "you need to eat like us"
"I grabbed a snack earlier. I'll be good, tend to eat while reading up on the whine reports from the rest of the fleet. I think it's time to see if the reports are universally true or just an abnormality".
Ardrian heads over to the bar, motions for a coffee, and mutters under his breath "at least you guys haven't invented synthfeen yet, right? I like a little kick to my coffee..." Taking a sip, and recognizing the requisite feedback, he grabs his coffee, motions to the yeoman with a "she's got my card" motion, a quick scan of the room indicates a table with a few other command-grade officers having a bit of a discussion.
He then proceeds to the table with the rest of the commanders. "Ardrian Dareau. I'm hoping this is the 'not bragging' table..."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
As for Captain Kenton, i expect to receive 60 bars of latinum in my hold to deliver to the Fearless. any attempt to shoot me down or seize my freighter operating on behalf of the united federation of planets would not be a good idea. Thank you for your time sir. Good day"
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
A Bekk reports to the young attractive Orion female in the captains chair in a poorly lit room with red lights and displays with a viewscreen image of ESD "Sir, we have arrived in the Terran sector"
As the Orion captain acknowledges the bekk with a nod, she points to another Bekk to open a channel to ESD, however she overhears an argument about food supplies and the USS Erbach. "Bekk, please tune us into that transmission", the Bekk responds "Yes sir".
tuning into the conversation mid way through "...to deliver these scrummy supplies to Captain Kenton's ship. If you wish to negotiate with him, then by all means, however i have my orders sir." as the channel closes. Shenna thinks for a moment in a thoughtful pose sat in her hard klingon command chair.
"Bekk, open a channel to Admiral Nat, i hope he is in the mood to deal for his food without the politics." amused by what shes heard and seen so far..
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"Sorry, Admiral Nat. I seem to have gotten carried away, and I think something called a 'ninja' happened to me. Good day, Admiral Dareau. All I ask out of this whole thing is a taste of those nachos and bacon. Oh, the deliciousness I must have."
Admiral Nat: "What is it?"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Gets the gold pressed latinum ready in the cargo.
Contacts the freighter my seconded officer Commander Zaro will meet you for the exchange
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.