"You noticed that? hehehe. Yes i have your supplies and if you can lower your ships shields i can beam those supplies to you. Besides i have an important meeting on ESD with Admiral Quinn by order of the high council. So shooting you is not an option at this time if you were thinking this, Admiral."
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Nat: "Captain, I have a strict deadline. Lower your shields and the Firestorm will beam over the Firestorm's shipment for you."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
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"Admiral, your message is unclear. Please lower your ships shields so i beam these supplies to you." Shenna is now immensly curious about the situation she is now in as she looks at a Bekk, the young klingon looks at her and shrugs as Shenna raises her left eye brow.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
*Receives a message from the Firestorm saying the supplies were received.*
Admiral Nat: "Actually, it turns out beaming the supplies from your ship is now unnecessary. Thank you for your cooperation."
*Taps combadge*
"U.S.S. Firestorm, one to beam up."
*I beam back to the Firestorm, and then the U.S.S. Firestorm, having finished it's repairs and acquired the supplies, pulls out of spacedock and heads out, escorted by the Galaxy X Class U.S.S. Sally and the Armitage Class U.S.S. Thunderchild.*
Post edited by admiralnat on
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Admiral, you are leaving your food supplies behind on my ship?" Shenna is now greatly puzzled by this as she watches Admiral nat and his fleet warp out of the area.
"Bekk take us into dock with the station, i will chat with Admiral Quinn about these supplies, Admiral Nat will want these and Quinn can keep them safe on the station". Shenna looks over to Migat, her first officer who orders the bekks to move the ship into the docking pattern.
*the IKS Kryrixix docks at Pylon 3 on ESD*
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Kenton *Walks over the requisitions section and puts in an order for a new set of scorpion fighters, The last set were destroyed in a boarding incident
*The Reman Scimitar R.R.W. Crateris warps in and docks at ESD, as the Commander, T'Kek, beams over to ESD and heads for requsitions.*
T'Kek: "I'll need a load of Scorpion Fighters, right away! Classified mission."
Post edited by admiralnat on
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
T'Kek: "Those too. Speaking of which, we need more Drone Ships as well. Right now, of course. Really top priority classified mission."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*Captain Tovan Khev of the R.R.W. Tovan Khev enters the requsitions area*
Tovan Khev: "I'd like to requisition a load of Tovan Khevs."
T'Kek is very confused, to say the least.
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The waiter sifts through a sea of tribble and puts the tray of bacon on the table. Terry picks it up and eats the bacon slowly, while making eye contact with Krystal and not sharing any.
*T'Kek and Tovan Khev get requisition forms for their respective requisitions, and head to the food court to fill them out.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*T'Kek and Tovan Khev sit at tables of their own and start filling out their forms*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The tribble levels rise to above table level, covering all requisition forms.
"Aww, they're so cute! Nothing like how my Fek'lhri children were. Ugh, so ugly. Just thinking about them is making me regurgitate this bacon. But I won't. Not the bacon."
*A Klingon chef enters, takes all the Tribbles to cook a feast with them.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*The Klingon comes back with a tribble feast, on the house, for everyone wanting some, including the cannibal tribble(s).*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*It multiplies into a horde of Cannibal Tribbles that fill the station.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Opens the supplies and has a look,
Finds Nats secret items in the supplies
Immediately beams the supplies to the firestorm
Good riddance.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Nat: "Actually, it turns out beaming the supplies from your ship is now unnecessary. Thank you for your cooperation."
*Taps combadge*
"U.S.S. Firestorm, one to beam up."
*I beam back to the Firestorm, and then the U.S.S. Firestorm, having finished it's repairs and acquired the supplies, pulls out of spacedock and heads out, escorted by the Galaxy X Class U.S.S. Sally and the Armitage Class U.S.S. Thunderchild.*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Bekk take us into dock with the station, i will chat with Admiral Quinn about these supplies, Admiral Nat will want these and Quinn can keep them safe on the station". Shenna looks over to Migat, her first officer who orders the bekks to move the ship into the docking pattern.
*the IKS Kryrixix docks at Pylon 3 on ESD*
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
T'Kek: "I'll need a load of Scorpion Fighters, right away! Classified mission."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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"I thought you people would be running around with your la de da drone ships"
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"Hmm. There's something fishy about those 'secret items' Kenton beamed over to Nat. Don't you think?"
Terry eats Krystal's nachos.
"Anyway, I've got an order of bacon coming."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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You people and your dreadnought warbirds
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Tovan Khev: "I'd like to requisition a load of Tovan Khevs."
T'Kek is very confused, to say the least.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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Terry looks down and finds the floor covered in tribble.
"What the!?"
And i thought someone turned him into a Padd
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*Gets handed a req form for the fighters*
*Walks over to the food court to fill it out *
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"After all we've been through? Fine!"
The waiter sifts through a sea of tribble and puts the tray of bacon on the table. Terry picks it up and eats the bacon slowly, while making eye contact with Krystal and not sharing any.
Oh, this bacon is delicious.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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Sits down at corner table orders coffee and begins to fill out req form
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I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Aww, they're so cute! Nothing like how my Fek'lhri children were. Ugh, so ugly. Just thinking about them is making me regurgitate this bacon. But I won't. Not the bacon."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Oh well they would have made a good meal for my cannibal tribble
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I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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My cannibal is pleased
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I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
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Alas they eat each other leading only to one tribble my tribble
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