*Tovan Khev orders 49700 more Tovan Khevs to complete his ship's on-board army.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"One at a time, you guys! Now, single file, and I'll take your complaints one by one but only over a coffee. Now, everyone get their favourite drink from the replicator."
Terry sneaks one of Kyrstal's nachos while she is distracted by the Tovans.
The Tovan Khevs line up and all have the exact same 'complaint':
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
...and they keep going on.
*T'Kek head bangs the table*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*The Tovan Khevs turn and look at Krystal, then turn back and continue as before.*
*The U.S.S. Firestorm and it's escorts warp back in, and Admiral Nat beams down to ESD, heading for the food court.*
"Alright, reports say there's a Species 8472 infiltrator here in disguise as Tovan Khev!"
*Looks at all the Tovan Khevs*
"This might take a while..."
*Starts scanning each one individually with a specially modified tricorder designed to detect Species 8472 infiltrators at close range.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The other 49700 Tovan Khevs show up, filling up all of ESD
Admiral Nat: "50000 Tovan Khevs? I'm not prepared for this many Tovans!"
*Throws tricorder into the air and leaves ESD*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Suddenly, all the non-Tovan Khevs combadges faintly say the following:
"Alert! Alert! ESD is to be evacuated of all non-Tovan Khevs immediately so the Tovan Khevs can be quarantined until the 8472 infiltrator is found!"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok? Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Oh, you guys and your non-killing instincts. How does one even get through life like that? No murdering at all? It makes no sense to me. Then again, transporting is basically destroying our own original matter, so I guess that's a consolation. Beam me up!"
Motions for the unnamed Yeoman, and looks at her. "Grab us as many tricorders as possible." She leaves, and Ardrian turns to look at Captain Terry. "Since you are in violation of the nacho care act, I think that you should begin to organize the 50,000 Tovans into orderly lines so that we can thoroughly scan them efficiently.
Jade, is your ship available?"
Taps Combadge... "Little Paradise, there's been an Undine sighting on ESD. Presumed to be a Tovan Khev for a Scimitar's replacement staff. Allow no ship to leave orbit until vetted. Coordinate with the Lexington if her Captain feels she's ready."
Raising his head a little... "Thoreau, advise Admiral Quinn that he should engage what we consider security protocol 84. Explain all the necessary stances. Also let him know we're preparing to scan primary suspects."
After taking a long belt of his coffee, Ardrian sighs, "Another long day. Wonder when they're going to open up the decommissioned photon launcher shop over at K7. I need to talk to requisitions, this is why I tend to avoid ESD..."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"Who took her down?" Getting visibly upset, Ardrian almost yells under his breath "I wonder how these guys manage to do it. Our studies have began to hint that there are millions, if not billions, of Na'kuhl strike teams at slightly different dimensional/quantum/blather interphases that can only be recognized by an individual officer. Same with Cooper-dine, and the Iconians, and the Borg, and..." practically spitting the name "Sela. I wish we had that tech..."
Ardrian takes a deep breath, and grabs a pair of tricorders from the pile that Yeoman doesn't-have-a-name-yet delivered. "Thanks anyway. Now, onto 'security protocol 84'. Undine infiltrators have been known to shapeshift immediately upon detection to help facilitate their escape and/or to continue evasion techniques while we search the "known quantity". As such, we're gonna put on a show of dealing with these Tovans, while really trying to find our friend."
Offers the tricorder to Krystal. "Now, first off, confirm that I'm not the Undine. And I'll do the same to you. Re-confirm every time we leave each other's sight. Then begin scanning everyone on the station."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
After Ardrian and Krystal are vetted as non-Undine by each other, Ardrian mutters "Thanks a lot. It'd be a real long slog if I didn't get any help."
Thoreau returns from OPS, and stretches her arms out wide as if wanting a hug. Ardrian scans her, confirms she's "his" android, then nods.
Thoreau points at Krystal "She's?"
Raising hand to be practically right in front of her like for a palm reading "You tell me." She pinches Ardrian's finger, letting some special sensors installed just for these occasions run a blood test to confirm Ardrian's status. "Quinn's been notified, and he's bought in. Confirmed legit. He's raised shields, and shut down transporters. Word's being quietly passed to scan everyone. The bird's reporting no issues in orbit, full compliance and no friends. Calculating 99% chance that our victim's still on station."
Ardrian turns to face the multitude of Tovan's - "Well, shall we?"
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"One of the Tovan's. Another being that's been influenced by this 'quantum phase individual officer' stuff I spoke of earlier. ESD's one of those semi-rare places that the barriers are somewhat lower and we can see other people's Tovan's, Neil's, etc. Effect's much more pronounced in the Dyson Sphere, especially around the Omega Silos."
Looking at Terry "So, you got these guys organized yet so we can scan without having to walk? And remember, get re-scanned every time you leave someone's sight..."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Terry is busy eating Captain Jade's nachos. "Huh? The who in the what now?" Then, putting them down, replies, "Oh, yeah, yeah! Tovans are all in order. In fact, some of them have been coupling off together and I think they're really hitting it off. I was invited to two weddings just now."
Then, he nudges one of the Tovans next to him.
"Double bachelor night, am I right Awkward Tovan?"
But that Tovan in line gets nervous and then runs off!
"Tovan," Ardrian bellows. "Hold your positions! You will be accounted for and confirmed 'ready' for assignment to your ship. Remain in your places till Ms. Jade returns!"
Begins to scan next Tovan in 'my' line... "Thoreau, where's the yeoman?"
"Seems she went out for more tricorders, sir. Muttered something about having the 'safe' Tovans helping..."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
General Shenna - ESD Promenade, overlooking the food court
Shenna looks out over the food court watching federation officers move around like bugs on a mound as she stands next to a railing with her arms resting on them near the elbows and her body curved over. She was thinking of the diplomatic mess the high council sent her into with the recent Na'Kuhl infiltrator and what almost happened to J'mpok, she was almost lost in thought when a federation officer walks upto her.
"General, Sir?" she snaps out of it and looks over at the officer and smiles, "Yes, what is it ensign?" The ensign looking a bit nervous thinking Shenna was about to do something nasty, "Sir we have offloaded the supplies into a cargo bay as you requested", Shena took her arms off the railing and and her her hands on the railings instead "Admiral Nat never ordered his shields down and i never heard anything of it -- and yet he mentioned he received the supplies, according to my ships computer there was an attempted beam out however without knowing if the Admiral had this shields down..." shenna looks on out towards her ship in the docking pylon, her thoughts are a bit troubled.
"Ensign, i wish to resume discussions with Admiral Quinn when the next opportunity presents itself. You are dismissed.", the ensign quickly responds almost in a panic, "Y-yes sir, General! sir!". Shenna shakes her head for a moment wondering why that ensign was almost hyperventilating and turns her head back to the food court wondering how many ants are on that mound.
Post edited by mirrorchaos on
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Admiral Araya Truh
Location : ESD Refresher within club 40 something
*Puts a cherry bomb in the refresher , using her tac training rigs the cheery bomb to detonate when flushed*
Hmm this should make for an interesting turn of events, and i think theres a cait whos next in line.
*washed her hands then leaves the refresher*
* a few minutes later a small explosion is heard and a cait roars loudly in anger, he emerges from the refresher covered in toilet paper and filth, his fur matted by the filth thats soaked into his fur*
Terry gets up and runs toward the Klingon Restaurant but bumps into a Tovan Khev.
Lieutenant Mieri stands at the entrance with a PADD. "Anyone order three hundred Tovan Khevs?"
Terry watches all the Tovans begin to file into the Food Court.
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Well, now that's just silly. There's no way."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Terry sneaks one of Kyrstal's nachos while she is distracted by the Tovans.
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Go on..."
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
"We need the other 49700 Tovan Khevs."
...and they keep going on.
*T'Kek head bangs the table*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*The U.S.S. Firestorm and it's escorts warp back in, and Admiral Nat beams down to ESD, heading for the food court.*
"Alright, reports say there's a Species 8472 infiltrator here in disguise as Tovan Khev!"
*Looks at all the Tovan Khevs*
"This might take a while..."
*Starts scanning each one individually with a specially modified tricorder designed to detect Species 8472 infiltrators at close range.*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"No time for this nonsense. Fire!"
Terry fires into Tovan after Tovan, with no effect.
"Damn. I used the power all up playing 25th century Angry Xindi's on it." He checks his stats. "Level 25. Not bad."
Admiral Nat: "50000 Tovan Khevs? I'm not prepared for this many Tovans!"
*Throws tricorder into the air and leaves ESD*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Takes out a second phaser, this time charged.
"Alert! Alert! ESD is to be evacuated of all non-Tovan Khevs immediately so the Tovan Khevs can be quarantined until the 8472 infiltrator is found!"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
I'm a fan of Firefox, ok?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Oh, you guys and your non-killing instincts. How does one even get through life like that? No murdering at all? It makes no sense to me. Then again, transporting is basically destroying our own original matter, so I guess that's a consolation. Beam me up!"
Motions for the unnamed Yeoman, and looks at her. "Grab us as many tricorders as possible." She leaves, and Ardrian turns to look at Captain Terry. "Since you are in violation of the nacho care act, I think that you should begin to organize the 50,000 Tovans into orderly lines so that we can thoroughly scan them efficiently.
Jade, is your ship available?"
Taps Combadge... "Little Paradise, there's been an Undine sighting on ESD. Presumed to be a Tovan Khev for a Scimitar's replacement staff. Allow no ship to leave orbit until vetted. Coordinate with the Lexington if her Captain feels she's ready."
Raising his head a little... "Thoreau, advise Admiral Quinn that he should engage what we consider security protocol 84. Explain all the necessary stances. Also let him know we're preparing to scan primary suspects."
After taking a long belt of his coffee, Ardrian sighs, "Another long day. Wonder when they're going to open up the decommissioned photon launcher shop over at K7. I need to talk to requisitions, this is why I tend to avoid ESD..."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Terry starts positioning all the Tovans.
"I was this close to shooting you guys."
Ardrian takes a deep breath, and grabs a pair of tricorders from the pile that Yeoman doesn't-have-a-name-yet delivered. "Thanks anyway. Now, onto 'security protocol 84'. Undine infiltrators have been known to shapeshift immediately upon detection to help facilitate their escape and/or to continue evasion techniques while we search the "known quantity". As such, we're gonna put on a show of dealing with these Tovans, while really trying to find our friend."
Offers the tricorder to Krystal. "Now, first off, confirm that I'm not the Undine. And I'll do the same to you. Re-confirm every time we leave each other's sight. Then begin scanning everyone on the station."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Thoreau returns from OPS, and stretches her arms out wide as if wanting a hug. Ardrian scans her, confirms she's "his" android, then nods.
Thoreau points at Krystal "She's?"
Raising hand to be practically right in front of her like for a palm reading "You tell me." She pinches Ardrian's finger, letting some special sensors installed just for these occasions run a blood test to confirm Ardrian's status. "Quinn's been notified, and he's bought in. Confirmed legit. He's raised shields, and shut down transporters. Word's being quietly passed to scan everyone. The bird's reporting no issues in orbit, full compliance and no friends. Calculating 99% chance that our victim's still on station."
Ardrian turns to face the multitude of Tovan's - "Well, shall we?"
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Looking at Terry "So, you got these guys organized yet so we can scan without having to walk? And remember, get re-scanned every time you leave someone's sight..."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Then, he nudges one of the Tovans next to him.
"Double bachelor night, am I right Awkward Tovan?"
But that Tovan in line gets nervous and then runs off!
Begins to scan next Tovan in 'my' line... "Thoreau, where's the yeoman?"
"Seems she went out for more tricorders, sir. Muttered something about having the 'safe' Tovans helping..."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Shenna looks out over the food court watching federation officers move around like bugs on a mound as she stands next to a railing with her arms resting on them near the elbows and her body curved over. She was thinking of the diplomatic mess the high council sent her into with the recent Na'Kuhl infiltrator and what almost happened to J'mpok, she was almost lost in thought when a federation officer walks upto her.
"General, Sir?" she snaps out of it and looks over at the officer and smiles, "Yes, what is it ensign?" The ensign looking a bit nervous thinking Shenna was about to do something nasty, "Sir we have offloaded the supplies into a cargo bay as you requested", Shena took her arms off the railing and and her her hands on the railings instead "Admiral Nat never ordered his shields down and i never heard anything of it -- and yet he mentioned he received the supplies, according to my ships computer there was an attempted beam out however without knowing if the Admiral had this shields down..." shenna looks on out towards her ship in the docking pylon, her thoughts are a bit troubled.
"Ensign, i wish to resume discussions with Admiral Quinn when the next opportunity presents itself. You are dismissed.", the ensign quickly responds almost in a panic, "Y-yes sir, General! sir!". Shenna shakes her head for a moment wondering why that ensign was almost hyperventilating and turns her head back to the food court wondering how many ants are on that mound.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Location : ESD Refresher within club 40 something
*Puts a cherry bomb in the refresher , using her tac training rigs the cheery bomb to detonate when flushed*
Hmm this should make for an interesting turn of events, and i think theres a cait whos next in line.
*washed her hands then leaves the refresher*
* a few minutes later a small explosion is heard and a cait roars loudly in anger, he emerges from the refresher covered in toilet paper and filth, his fur matted by the filth thats soaked into his fur*
*Presses her combadge*
Lexington? one to beam out in a hurry