*One of the redshirts on ESD realize the U.S.S. Firestorm and escorts left before the quarantine took affect, and runs over to the first available officer.*
"Sir, what about the U.S.S. Firestorm, and it's escorts? They already left the system!"
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The Door bell chimed after Shenna pressed the small button with a silhouette of a starfleet logo on it, the doors opened with a typical hydralic hissing, she walked through to a large room spacious room with a large waterfall off top the mid right side of the room behind a large desk that can cater to 20 people. Admiral Quinn and a few of his officers were waiting, standing to attention in diplomatic fashion.
Admiral Quinn walked forward in his brightly lit room hearing the water splashing into water from the fountain, rather relaxing sounds. He offered his open hand to Shenna as Shenna connected her own hand into a firm grip with Quinn's, "Well i think we should get started on why we are here, General." Quinn Smiles and releases his grip from the handshake, he and his officers proceed to sit down at the table in comfortable chairs with a built in console interface on the table.
Shenna walked around to the other side and sat down opposite Quinn in another chair. "Admiral, i have been sent by the high council to resume talks regarding a potential peace agreement" as Quinns face showed signs of looking slightly puzzled "It is my intention to continue these talks with the Federation despite what this Na'Kuhl intruder attempted to do."
Quinn thought for a moment and tapped on the console a few times with both hands and then looked into Shenna's eyes, "General, There can not be peace right now with these Na'kuhl attempting to destabilize the time line. For as long as they remain a threat to our continued existence, peace will not matter much if the timeline is altered in ways i can not even possibly imagine."
Shenna thought for a moment and tapped the console a few times to bring up the second and third Khitomer Accords between the Federation and the Klingon empire. "Historically speaking Admiral, when faced with threats to both empires, we have already put our own issues aside and cooperated, we have been at each others dinner tables for several centuries now. We both know each others strengths and weaknesses. It would make sense to form a lasting alliance with our greatest enemy and our greatest friend over the past few centuries."
"I can not deny that General, however any future alliance could be irrevocably changed because of the Na'Kuhl. What happens if they decide to change the past and this alliance happens only to find out your heads were all brainwashed by the Na'kuhl into doing their business for them and we would of trusted you." Shenna concedes this round of diplomacy is going to be tougher than it looks.
"Admiral, i have one unrelated question" Quinn raises an eye brow wondering what it is "Proceed, General", "Admiral, there is an Admiral Nat who has a food shipment in a cargo bay 14, he failed to pick these supplies up. When he returns, can you deliver them to him. And by all means scan the cargo, i assure you i have not done anything to them".
Admiral Quinn nods his head as the negotiations continue...
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The two Caitian Fleet Admirals S’ttel and S’tmik walk into the food court noticing all the Tovan Khev’s but think twice about getting directly involved, instead both edge their way around the outside of the room to the food replicators.
“Latte, extra cream, sweet,” S’ttel told the replicator “S’tmik..?”
“Oh coffee, Java, black, unsweetened” S’tmik said slightly preoccupied!
“Bit strong for you.” Said S’ttel
“The perils of being an engineering fleet admiral. With too much to do and not the personnel to do it.” S’tmik replied.
Both start to edge their way back towards the door with their drinks where S’ttel notices a yeoman also heading to the door with a group of Tovan Khevs in tow.
“Yeoman...” S’ttel called out
“Yes Sir?” said Yeoman-Doesn’t-Have-A-Name-Yet
“It’s a bit crowded in here isn’t it?” S’ttel said “Move some of these Tovans to cargo bays seven and eight, and I’ll have security meet you there.”
“Yes Sir” said Yeoman-Doesn’t-Have-A-Name-Yet looking a little less flustered.
S’ttel and S’tmik both walk out of the food court and start heading to the ship yard.
“I asked you to join me Mik because I’m heading to have a word with Lieutenant Laurel! I’m sick of being a fleet admiral in charge of twelve ships but only having one operational. I’ve had to permanently mothball five of them and the rest are in a seemingly permanent state of repair! I have one ship to patrol, investigate, intercept and do all the other things that have to be done and it’s not good enough!”
“As a fleet admiral yourself Mik, an engineer, and my clan brother, I hope you can also put some pressure on them to get our ships ready, instead of me getting the standard excuse that so and so will be installed on Tuesday blah…blah…blah! I just want my ships ready and out there doing their jobs…” S’ttel vented.
“Well, I’ll see what I can do to help but what with ESD still being repaired in places from the Undine attack – we were hit worse than anybody really let on, but you didn’t hear that from me – and the fact a lot of that work was then undone when the Iconians attacked Sol, Starfleet and the SCE are stretched thinner than ever. Getting anything would be a small victory.” S’tmik replied wondering if his coffee was going to be strong enough!
*Suddenly, a Starfleet academy prof. brings a class of cadets to ESD.*
*They're all Elisa Flores*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*They all start using the replicators, draining ESD's power*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*An Elisa Flores tries to hit him with a phaser, but misses and hits a power conduit instead, causing an explosion.*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*An attack from a group of rebel K'Gans strikes ESD*
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Terry looks around in shock at all the chaos and OP-ness likely a spill-over from another universe... perhaps an Amazing Fight Universe. He bumps into Q Junior, who turns to acknowledge him.
"Q!?" Terry balks.
Q Junior snaps away the K'Gans, Kurlands, Flores', and Tovans (except for the one Krystal tackled). "Why does everyone yell my father's name like that? That's not annoying?"
"Sorry. Do we have you to thank for all this OP mess?"
The omnipotent being sighed. "Well, me channeled by some message board posters in another plain of existence, but, yes, mostly me. You see, since my time on Voyager and my weird Echeb bond, I've always felt a residual need for immature behaviour. If you've noticed, I've run the Winter Wonderland more than once during the year of 2410."
"I did notice that!"
Q Junior smiled. "Well, great! At least someone did! Now, go and work out your Firestorm cargo paradox if you can. Oh, and there's a T'Ket thing you missed, a Na'Khul thing and an Undine thing."
*The U.S.S. Firestorm returns to ESD, with it's escorts as before.*
*I beam down to ESD, and go to the food court, curious as to where the Tovans disappeared to.*
Admiral Nat: What happened to all the Tovan Khevs?
*Questioning look*
Did Q do something again?
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Yeah, he's always doing things, that Q. But before he left he mentioned a cargo paradox, a T'Ket thing, a Na'Khul and Undine thing," Terry tapped his chin in simultaneous thought. "That's a lot of mysteries. Though, I believe Captain Jade's tackle may have the Undine thing covered."
Terry points to Krystal Jade who has the last Tovan Khev apprehended.
"We should be good in that area. I mean, it's not like those Undine just transform out of nowhere when captured. Unlikely, am I right?"
"What off the cargo paradox? My crew checked, and the U.S.S. Firestorm does in fact have the cargo."
*Looks concerned*
"Tell me more about the T'Ket thing. I've got a lot of experience with Iconians."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Well, according to sensors internal and external, your ship does in fact have the Fearless' shipment, which you obtained from Captain Kenton. But that same shipment is also in Cargo Bay 14. Either the shipment was partial, or some kind of Riker-duplication occurred, which is not unheard of."
He then turns from the panel.
"Then there's the T'Ket issue, which K'mec may have insinuated has something to do with said cargos, which are now in two locations. Could there be intel in those bacon rashers, fresh wrapped coffee beans and spicy hot Tacos with extra dip? Will we have to eat through each one to find out?"
"Fleet Admiral Dareau's going to want to interrogate him in the Brig," Terry suggests just seconds before that Tovan transforms into a large Undine! "What the!? It's naked?? Has it no shame??"
Terry checks for his phaser but recalls it was taken away by Adrian Dareau.
"Oh, right. And those lines he ordered me to write."
"I ordered no writing, just organizing all them Tovans that Q brought in..."
Ardrian draws a phaser pistol (Mark II TOS look, Mk XIV damage) and a phaser rifle. Soft-tosses the pistol at Captain Terry, after which he draws a fairly massive Tholian Crystalline Sword from his back-sheath, the sword's a bit bigger than the "usual" sword but not quite claymore length.
"So, my Undine friend, shall we do this the hard way, or the easy way?"
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"Apologies, Admiral. That was Quinn who ordered those lines off me. That's the last time I hit on his daughter in front of him," Terry explains. "Also, Undine nudity throws me. Don't they care? Surely, some of them care?"
The Undine snarls at the group. "I only care enough to offend the likes of you! Yes, I know the Iconians fooled us, but my memories of our war have not left me!"
*Has the U.S.S. Firestorm beam down a team of specialized anti-Undine troops, who get in position to take down the Undine.*
"I'd rather not have to order them to fire, what-ever-your-name-is. For your own sake, surrender now."
I fly the all powerful U.S.S. Firestorm (which solos 20 man missions death free) and ninja Ten Forward posters on a regular basis!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Nor I, but that war is over." Ardrian shifts to a slightly more defensive stance, rifle pointed in the vicinity of the Undine but not right at him, and the sword is angled to discourage any... physical... assaults. "So, what business do you have with those who have looked Iconians in the eyes and ended that entire escapade?"
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"My business? My business is to destroy you! At least, that's what I would like! But my co-habitants would have my third leg if they saw me causing trouble. It's always, ohh, Korlak, leave the Humans alone, and, ohhh Korlak, did you empty the biogeneic dishwasher? Well you know what? I served in the Undine War! I saw my friends die to the hands of the Federation!"
Korlak looks around nervously for his co-habitants, wherever they are, satisfied they have not been discovered yet.
"They may be on vacation here, but I have a biological living axe of vengeance to grind-- And to clarify, our axes are alive and they do require grinding every now and then."
"Take care, Korlak, for grinding the axe of vengeance too hard may result in it shattering instead of being honed to a razor's edge.
Compatriots, eh? They show wisdom. Perhaps you should emulate their restraint more. But, vacation? I find that a little... hard... to comprehend."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"Tell me about it!" Korlak continued. "They may have mistaken my Undine-blood fueled rage about this non-liquid realm as bragging. Our kind don't do well with paying attention to details, but it got me back here none-the-less. My swarm leader used to agree with taking opportunities when they arose. Now he's dead. What would you or anyone here know about vengeance anyway!?"
"You'd be surprised." Ardrian deadpans. "Host's seen enough vengeance seekers have their hopes, dreams, and lives shattered pressing too hard for vengeance."
Furrowing his brow some as he contemplates the Undine's statements, "but enough about me. What 'opportunity' are you taking advantage of, and you still haven't explained this whole 'vacation' business..."
New Forum, new attempt at complaining about ship tiers and the exclusion of two certain "iconic" hero ships from "endgame" in STO.
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
"Sir, what about the U.S.S. Firestorm, and it's escorts? They already left the system!"
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Admiral Quinn walked forward in his brightly lit room hearing the water splashing into water from the fountain, rather relaxing sounds. He offered his open hand to Shenna as Shenna connected her own hand into a firm grip with Quinn's, "Well i think we should get started on why we are here, General." Quinn Smiles and releases his grip from the handshake, he and his officers proceed to sit down at the table in comfortable chairs with a built in console interface on the table.
Shenna walked around to the other side and sat down opposite Quinn in another chair. "Admiral, i have been sent by the high council to resume talks regarding a potential peace agreement" as Quinns face showed signs of looking slightly puzzled "It is my intention to continue these talks with the Federation despite what this Na'Kuhl intruder attempted to do."
Quinn thought for a moment and tapped on the console a few times with both hands and then looked into Shenna's eyes, "General, There can not be peace right now with these Na'kuhl attempting to destabilize the time line. For as long as they remain a threat to our continued existence, peace will not matter much if the timeline is altered in ways i can not even possibly imagine."
Shenna thought for a moment and tapped the console a few times to bring up the second and third Khitomer Accords between the Federation and the Klingon empire. "Historically speaking Admiral, when faced with threats to both empires, we have already put our own issues aside and cooperated, we have been at each others dinner tables for several centuries now. We both know each others strengths and weaknesses. It would make sense to form a lasting alliance with our greatest enemy and our greatest friend over the past few centuries."
"I can not deny that General, however any future alliance could be irrevocably changed because of the Na'Kuhl. What happens if they decide to change the past and this alliance happens only to find out your heads were all brainwashed by the Na'kuhl into doing their business for them and we would of trusted you." Shenna concedes this round of diplomacy is going to be tougher than it looks.
"Admiral, i have one unrelated question" Quinn raises an eye brow wondering what it is "Proceed, General", "Admiral, there is an Admiral Nat who has a food shipment in a cargo bay 14, he failed to pick these supplies up. When he returns, can you deliver them to him. And by all means scan the cargo, i assure you i have not done anything to them".
Admiral Quinn nods his head as the negotiations continue...
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
“Latte, extra cream, sweet,” S’ttel told the replicator “S’tmik..?”
“Oh coffee, Java, black, unsweetened” S’tmik said slightly preoccupied!
“Bit strong for you.” Said S’ttel
“The perils of being an engineering fleet admiral. With too much to do and not the personnel to do it.” S’tmik replied.
Both start to edge their way back towards the door with their drinks where S’ttel notices a yeoman also heading to the door with a group of Tovan Khevs in tow.
“Yeoman...” S’ttel called out
“Yes Sir?” said Yeoman-Doesn’t-Have-A-Name-Yet
“It’s a bit crowded in here isn’t it?” S’ttel said “Move some of these Tovans to cargo bays seven and eight, and I’ll have security meet you there.”
“Yes Sir” said Yeoman-Doesn’t-Have-A-Name-Yet looking a little less flustered.
S’ttel and S’tmik both walk out of the food court and start heading to the ship yard.
“I asked you to join me Mik because I’m heading to have a word with Lieutenant Laurel! I’m sick of being a fleet admiral in charge of twelve ships but only having one operational. I’ve had to permanently mothball five of them and the rest are in a seemingly permanent state of repair! I have one ship to patrol, investigate, intercept and do all the other things that have to be done and it’s not good enough!”
“As a fleet admiral yourself Mik, an engineer, and my clan brother, I hope you can also put some pressure on them to get our ships ready, instead of me getting the standard excuse that so and so will be installed on Tuesday blah…blah…blah! I just want my ships ready and out there doing their jobs…” S’ttel vented.
“Well, I’ll see what I can do to help but what with ESD still being repaired in places from the Undine attack – we were hit worse than anybody really let on, but you didn’t hear that from me – and the fact a lot of that work was then undone when the Iconians attacked Sol, Starfleet and the SCE are stretched thinner than ever. Getting anything would be a small victory.” S’tmik replied wondering if his coffee was going to be strong enough!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*They're all Elisa Flores*
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Oh god not her, So glad i got my ship before she started forcibly going on to my ship
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Why ya runnin'?" she asked.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Q!?" Terry balks.
Q Junior snaps away the K'Gans, Kurlands, Flores', and Tovans (except for the one Krystal tackled). "Why does everyone yell my father's name like that? That's not annoying?"
"Sorry. Do we have you to thank for all this OP mess?"
The omnipotent being sighed. "Well, me channeled by some message board posters in another plain of existence, but, yes, mostly me. You see, since my time on Voyager and my weird Echeb bond, I've always felt a residual need for immature behaviour. If you've noticed, I've run the Winter Wonderland more than once during the year of 2410."
"I did notice that!"
Q Junior smiled. "Well, great! At least someone did! Now, go and work out your Firestorm cargo paradox if you can. Oh, and there's a T'Ket thing you missed, a Na'Khul thing and an Undine thing."
Terry watched as Q Junior flashed away.
*I beam down to ESD, and go to the food court, curious as to where the Tovans disappeared to.*
Admiral Nat: What happened to all the Tovan Khevs?
*Questioning look*
Did Q do something again?
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Terry points to Krystal Jade who has the last Tovan Khev apprehended.
"We should be good in that area. I mean, it's not like those Undine just transform out of nowhere when captured. Unlikely, am I right?"
*Looks concerned*
"Tell me more about the T'Ket thing. I've got a lot of experience with Iconians."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"Well, according to sensors internal and external, your ship does in fact have the Fearless' shipment, which you obtained from Captain Kenton. But that same shipment is also in Cargo Bay 14. Either the shipment was partial, or some kind of Riker-duplication occurred, which is not unheard of."
He then turns from the panel.
"Then there's the T'Ket issue, which K'mec may have insinuated has something to do with said cargos, which are now in two locations. Could there be intel in those bacon rashers, fresh wrapped coffee beans and spicy hot Tacos with extra dip? Will we have to eat through each one to find out?"
"Where you want him?" she asks.
Terry checks for his phaser but recalls it was taken away by Adrian Dareau.
"Oh, right. And those lines he ordered me to write."
Ardrian draws a phaser pistol (Mark II TOS look, Mk XIV damage) and a phaser rifle. Soft-tosses the pistol at Captain Terry, after which he draws a fairly massive Tholian Crystalline Sword from his back-sheath, the sword's a bit bigger than the "usual" sword but not quite claymore length.
"So, my Undine friend, shall we do this the hard way, or the easy way?"
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
The Undine snarls at the group. "I only care enough to offend the likes of you! Yes, I know the Iconians fooled us, but my memories of our war have not left me!"
"Um... We're talking about a rather unique species here guys," she said. "Out of respect for their culture... lay off."
"I'd rather not have to order them to fire, what-ever-your-name-is. For your own sake, surrender now."
I also do believe I'm the "winner" of Last Post Wins 3.0, but for some reason the others don't agree on that, so whatever.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Korlak looks around nervously for his co-habitants, wherever they are, satisfied they have not been discovered yet.
"They may be on vacation here, but I have a biological living axe of vengeance to grind-- And to clarify, our axes are alive and they do require grinding every now and then."
Compatriots, eh? They show wisdom. Perhaps you should emulate their restraint more. But, vacation? I find that a little... hard... to comprehend."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...
Furrowing his brow some as he contemplates the Undine's statements, "but enough about me. What 'opportunity' are you taking advantage of, and you still haven't explained this whole 'vacation' business..."
Being that T5 / Fleet T5 / T5 Upgraded isn't "officially" endgame anymore (that's Fleet T6 now) can we see these excluded ships at T5 / T5.5 / T5U11...
Note, these ships have no letters after the dash in their registry numbers, whether it was 01 or 1701...